In-Person or Remote Counseling/Training/Resources
Finding Real Help from the God Who Is Real
God never promised us a life without troubles, quite the opposite. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us that in this world, we will have trouble. But in the same verse, he tells us to take courage because He has overcome the world and that we can have peace in Him. Still Waters Biblical Counseling exists to help others come to know the peace of God in Christ. This peace is possible amidst life's struggles through the knowledge and application of God's truth found in the Bible.

The Right Foundation: Who is God? Who Are We?
Everyone has struggles, and everyone seeks a way to either deal with or avoid their struggles. When we don't understand who we are, we misunderstand the cause of our struggles and the proper way to confront them. But, we cannot understand who we are or the purpose of life until we understand the God who made us. The Bible is where we find the truth about God, ourselves, and the true purpose of life. The Bible explains the root of life's troubles and God's prescription for dealing with them. At Still Waters Biblical Counseling, you will receive help to understand and apply the Scriptures to your life and, by doing so, experience the peace of God, which "surpasses all comprehension" (Philippians 4:7).
Counseling Services
The Scriptures provide truth for every person and relationship in life. Still Waters Biblical Counseling provides services for individuals, couples, ministers and people in ministry and to churches.
You're Not Alone
Perhaps you are on your own or in a relationship and need to talk. At Still Waters Biblical Counseling, you will find a listening ear and guidance rooted in Scripture and thirty years of marriage and pastoral experience.
We believe that God's Word addresses and has solutions for issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, and self-harm. God is real. God is powerful, and God wants to help you.

Marital and Pre-Marital Counseling
Marriage is the most intimate and sacred relationship human beings can share. Marriage is also life shared between two people who are imperfect in an imperfect world. Communication, children, sex, and money are just a sampling of the issues that challenge even the strongest marriages. At Still Waters Biblical Counseling, we believe that the key to a successful, happy and enduring marriage is a relationship in which both people are committed to honoring God daily. Using Scripture, marital experience, and accountability methods, we can help you resolve conflict and glorify God through your marriage.
Ministers and People in Ministry
Ministry is Rewarding but Demanding
There is no greater privilege than to be called by God to the ministry. There is no greater joy than to be used by God to have an eternal impact on people's lives. But ministers aren't super-human. Pastors carry a heavy burden and have their own weaknesses and problems but often don't have someone in whom they can confide. Gary Knapp has thirty years of pastoral experience and knows the highs and lows of ministry life. At Still Waters Biblical Counseling, ministers and those in ministry have a place to come to where they can confide, find rest, and encouragement.

Scriptural Guidance for Complex Issues
Churches have troubles too. Sometimes an outside perspective can provide the needed guidance leading to resolution and congregational health. Still Waters Biblical Counseling is also available for congregant counseling needs beyond a church's counseling knowledge and experience. These services take place in concert with the pastoral and church leadership relationship.
Still Waters Biblical Counseling Ministry on "Toledo Live"
Learn what distinguishes Biblical counseling from secular Psychology and Psychiatry as Still Waters Biblical Counseling Ministry director, Gary Knapp visits WLMB's "Toledo Live".
Sharing God's truth about parenting on WLMB
Biblical Counseling Ministry's founder, Paul Walberg visits Main Street on WLMB to discuss what God's Word reveals about parenting. You will find this 30-minute video challenging and encouraging as you consider your ministry to your children.

"Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me."
Psalm 50:15
Contact Still Waters Biblical Counseling Ministry
If you would like to learn more about Still Waters Biblical Counseling Ministry send us an email or call:
1700 Woodlands Dr.
Maumee, OH 43537